Saturday, August 18, 2012

Share Woolite® Extra Dark Care with Your Friends!

Share Woolite® Extra Dark Care with Your Friends!
As I opened the sample and poured the Woolite Extra Dark Care into the washing machine to SAVE my favorite jeans, I thought WOW this detergent smells great! That is always one of my top criteria so we can check that box for one of the things Woolite Extra Dark Care has going for it. So far we are off to a good start!

Woolite Extra Dark Care preparing to SAVE my favorite jeans!

You may be asking yourself, why are there no pictures of friends???? Let me explain.....

My jeans are off to a good start now that the samples are here, but getting the samples was a bit of a struggle. I signed up for the sample and share in June 2012 and had started to plan my party around 4th of July when I knew I would have a lot of friends over for a big party. I also had two baby showers in July and figured that would be a great opportunity to share samples with some of the busy moms. Unfortunately things do not always go as planned and I received the samples on August 16, 2012…..just 4 days before my report is due.

Timing is not great because my besties are both out of town on vacation and my co-worker I had hoped would help is on work travel until the end of August. I gave samples to some friends but I doubt I will get any feedback from them before the report is due on the 20th. With so many friends out of town, a "wash your jeans" party is pretty much out of the picture as well. 

Despite this setback, I am going to try to be creative and try the Woolite product on both mine and my husband's jeans. He is very particular about how his jeans are washed so he will be a great critic of the woolite product. Rather than stop there I plan to also wash some of our work clothes that we might normally dry clean. Since some people will want to try this product on more than just jeans (i.e. all of their laundry) I plan to also wash workout clothes, whites, and other household items to see how well the Woolite extra dark care holds up. I know this plan is in not the true spirit of what the sample and share was about but I feel I am doing the best I can with the 4 day window I have to complete the action and the report. Considering the challenges to get the samples out to us crowdtappers, I hope Crowdtap and Woolite feel that my effort is time well spent!

This is the main event for the sample and share so I wanted to get as many colors and types as possible. My husband’s are both darker with nice stitching on the back pocket. It is crucial that there be no fading and especially no destruction of the stitching. Let’s see the before and after to see if the jeans were saved!

Husband’s Jeans Before
Husband’s Jeans After

I’m not sure if I just took a way better after picture but the jeans definitely look
“brighter” and the color looks “richer”. The awesome scent from the detergent did not come through like I hoped but that is really not a big deal (especially to my husband). The jeans came out of the dryer feeling soft and most important….in one piece! The stitching was not damaged and the jeans look GREAT! So far I am a happy camper! My husband was pleased as well!
I am not as picky with my jeans as my husband, but I definitely do not want my jeans to fade or tear when I wash them. More importantly, I always hang my jeans out to try and HATE that stiff “crunchy” feeling jeans get. I am hoping Woolite Extra Dark Care will fix that problem. Let’s go to the before and after pictures and see how my jeans held out from the wash.

My Jeans Before
My Jeans After

I air dried my jeans all day and unfortunately they had some of that stiff feeling I was hoping would not happen. I guess that is just part of air drying clothes. To solve this problem I put the jeans in the dryer for 10 minutes on Air Fluff mode. There is no heat so jeans don't shrink. Once I did this the jeans were soft and ready to wear. Despite the minor setback with the stiffness from air drying, my jeans all looked great! Similar to my husband's jeans, I feel the color was brighter as if a little life was put back in my jeans. Nice job Woolite!

Work Clothes
Having a product to wash jeans safely without fear of destruction is GREAT. However, why not also use that same product for sensitive work clothes that might normally go to the dry cleaner (where I already spend too much money!). I took some of my husband’s work shirts, my work pants and work capris, one of my favorite delicate work shirts, and a work dress. Let’s look at the before and after to see how Woolite Extra Dark Care did.

Works Shirts Before
Work Shirts After

The color of both shirts stayed true and I was pleased with the results of the wash. We have had bad luck with my husband's work shirts being ruined in the dryer so I always air dry work shirts. The shirts were a bit stiff after air drying but that is nothing a few minutes on air fluff mode in the dryer will not cure.

Work Pants Before
Work Pants After

These are my favorite black slacks and black capris that I wear to work so I always air dry to prevent damage in the dryer. Like my jeans, these were a bit stiff but the 10 minutes on Air Fluff mode in the dryer did the trick. It is hard to see in the After picture above, but I think the color of my slacks looked better after the wash. My capris were already a bit faded but the color stayed the same after the wash in Woolite Extra Dark least I can prevent any future fading! Another thing I noticed is that no detergent residue was left behind. This has been a big problem with other detergents on both my black slacks and some darker work shirts. I was really pleased to see that Woolite Extra Dark Care did not leave this residue behind.....another point for Woolite!

Delicate Work Shirt Before
Delicate Work Shirt After

Looks perfect! All stitching remained in place, there are no tears, and I did not have to take this shirt to the dry cleaner to get it clean! 

Work Dress Before
Work Dress After

This was another item that I thought looked brighter after a wash and I was really pleased that this one did not feel stiff after air drying. The bonus of air drying is that my dress kept some of the great scent of the detergent.

Workout Clothes

I am a bit of a gym rat and I want to look good while I workout so I thought I would try Woolite Extra Dark Care of my favorite workout gear as well. Let’s check out before and after.

 Woolite Extra Dark Care tackling my favorite gym clothes!

Workout Outfit #1 Before
Workout Outfit #1 After

Workout Outfit #2 Before
Workout Outfit #2 After

The material of my workout clothes is pretty hard to destroy so usually any detergent will work. However, I am glad to see that Woolite Extra Care does a good job with all of my favorite workout gear as well as jeans. 

White Clothes

I know that the name of this product is EXTRA DARK CARE but let's say I am lazy and do not feel like having more than one detergent in the house. I am on a roll here so I washed some of my white cotton tanks and t-shirts. Let’s look at the pictures to see if Woolite Extra Dark Care can take on whites!

White Tanks Before
White Tanks After

White T-Shirts Before
White T-Shirts After

Call me crazy but I  think the whites looked brighter after the wash! It sounds funny to say that a detergent for Extra Dark clothes would brighten whites but it did! I'm impressed. Note: I used one sample of the Woolite Extra Dark Care detergent on a Warm setting. I did NOT add any bleach.

Final Thoughts

As frustrating as getting the samples was, I am happy that I was able to sample this new detergent and share with my jeans loving friends a way to stop destroying their denim! I know the intent of this event was to get feedback from friends, but I think I took the challenge and met it in my own unique way. By using the product on a variety of different clothes and other laundry, I feel I have shown the strengths and weaknesses of the product. I feel Woolite Extra Dark Care is a great detergent working best with dark colors (as advertised) but also working well for all laundry needs. The scent is fantastic! Maybe Woolite should consider putting this same scent into a fabric softener if one does not already exist.

OK.....that is enough blogging for today. I am off to Target to use my coupon to get my bottle of Woolite Extra Dark Care!

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